Buildings: Innovation + Technology - STUDIOS Architecture

Studios Architecture (Editor)
книга Buildings: Innovation + Technology - STUDIOS Architecture, автор: Studios Architecture (Editor)

Buildings: Innovation + Technology - STUDIOS Architecture

Studios Architecture (Editor)
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ID: 4601
Издательство: Images
Переплёт: Hardcover, 26 x 29 cm
Количество страниц: 104
Язык: English
ISBN-13: 9781864703290
ISBN: 1864703296

Buildings: Innovation + Technology is one of two slimline volumes showcasing the work of STUDIOS Architecture, an international design practice with offices in the USA and Europe. In its 20 years of practice, STUDIOS has amassed a portfolio of more than 2000 built works, in all sectors and in a variety of sizes and levels of complexity.

STUDIOS is known for its bold, innovative approach to commercial, academic, civic and government architecture projects around the world. Its interiors projects include office spaces, theatres, restaurants, retail stores and showrooms, and fitness centres and spas. The same level of rigorous design and technical expertise is evident in its interior design projects as its architectural projects.

Projects featured in Buildings: Innovation + Technology include higher education, health and fitness, government and commercial buildings.

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